Well, It has been awhile since I have grace you with my presence.
OK, actually, it's because my life has been hectic and crazy.(you think I would be use to that by now!)lets recap this past month as it has quickly coming to an end!
Lets see.....
Ah! At the beginning of the month was my dear friends bachelorette party. It was my first full night away from my sweet baby and my first night of girl time in a long time. It was so much fun! The ladies were great company. The hotel had a free happy hour. AND i learned some AWESOME dance moves from a woman in her late 30s with 3 kids! She was killin' it! I ate so many potato chips that I think i may be good for about the next year.

I think we were all prettttttyyyy stunning that night.(Not that we aren't everyday)
Of course, last week at work was busy and my computer at home is dead, so I am left to blog at work. No fun.
My weekend consisted of the normal. EXCEPT starting next weekend Trey will be deserting Aiden and I every Saturday from 9-11 and then from 1-5. He got a solo in the church Easter program! I am so excited for him! He has such a great voice and I know this will be something great for him to accomplish!
Which may or may not be cancelled or postponed.
Unfortunately, Our music director is mourning the loss of his father.
My prayers do go out to them.
Last weekend was nothing exciting.
I started p90x. wow. I did the work outs for two days! Boy, was I sore!!! Also, In those 2 days I gained 4-5 pounds.( Did i just admit that out loud?!? of course not I'm typing, there for it doesn't count. Don't you love my logic?)ANYWAYS. At first I just stopped for a day. Then I said to myself " I won't work out today but tomorrow I will work out in the morning and evening. Well.... I skipped that day to because " I didn't have time". So Saturday I said "No worries Rebekah! You can work out in the morning and work out when Pea pie takes his nap. Oh, that's not all!!! how about before you go to bed as well!!"
Guess what didn't happen.oh, You guessed it. I am currently on day 9 of not working out.....
I don't want to talk about it.
Pea pie's(Aiden) allergies are awful this spring!!
He nose is constantly running, eyes are watery and his allergy medicine isn't helping very much. I feel so bad for my baby! This little boy.... is something else! His vocabulary is growing so rapidly! He is saying things that surprise me everyday! I love hearing him say "HI mommy!" when I call on the phone or when i walk in from work or being gone. Our special thing is "Hi Baby"He won't say it to anyone but me. I love it!
Hopefully things will calm down this next weekend. I need to start spring cleaning and going through Aiden's winter clothes and pack them away. (I still have every outfit that I have bought him since he was born tucked away in almost every closet.)There are few remodeling things I want to get done. ( another day,another blog.)and declutter!
-Rebekah Alisa