This past Thursday was my 24th Birthday! It was pretty great. I woke up to breakfast in bed from my sweet hubby and A.
Then I was off to get my hair did.
Then we went to my FAVORITE restaurant. It's called Campo Verde. It is a Mexican restaurant with the most hideous, gaudiest, blatant, flamboyant, and gorgeous display of Christmas decorations I have ever seen! They keep the decorations up YEAR ROUND! I love it (And I might stab someone with fork to get my hands on their cheese sauce.) They also have a train that goes around the entire restaurant right over your head! That is A's FAVORITE thing there.
How could you not love this!? |
My little brother and I, Hubby and I, Momma and I & Daddy and I |
My oldest brother Rick and I |
My nephew Wyatt and I |
And they have a mustache vending machines!
Friday night, Hubby, A and I went to the Texas Rangers game! I love me some baseball! Unfortunately, The Rangers did not win.
My handsome boys! |
Let's go Rangers! |
I could not get A to smile for me. Mean muggin. |
It was so much fun! This was A's First game. He went to one when he was a few months old but this is the first one he will remember (Hopefully).
My brother Aaron and his girlfriend Maggie weren't able to make it to my birthday dinner due to work
Since they weren't there, I had to take a picture with a picture . Haha! |
Since they couldn't be there on my birthday, They took me out tonight! They took me to see " 5 year engagement". It was so funny! I love spending time with them. They are so cute and funny together! After we the movie, we went to get some dinner. They took me to this little Asian place that was DELISH! I even tried Boba tea( tea with tapioca balls). I was not a fan of the tapioca balls. They were disgusting. I think it was more of a texture thing for me. Once I bit into them...I just couldn't chew them anymore... I had to swallow them whole. hah!
The flavor was delicious...tapioca, Not so much.
This weekend isn't over with yet and so far it has been great!
Thanks for checking in!!
What kinda fun did you guys get into this weekend??