Last weekend (9/24) my sweet little sister in law got married!I was asked to be a brides maid. It was so beautiful and fun! Trey was asked to be a grooms man and little man was asked to be a ring bearer. That worked out well. Not. During the rehearsal we were in our lines and as I am walking down the aisle and I hear a LOUD scream..."NO!!!MOMMMMMMYYYY!!" I just kept smiling and walking. At that moment, I knew someone would not make it down the aisle. Oh, The bride and groom were. But not my little man... He had plans of his own(Like he often does..). So I thought i would share some pictures from that wonderful day !!
This is the Bridal party.
Here are the Groomsmen:
(hubs is the SMOKIN hot one standing on the right with his hands BEHIND his back. )That was the first time I have ever seen hubs in a tux. Boy, was he a hunk!!
The cake was BEAUTIFUL! i LOVED the brooch! It was beautiful!
Here is a collage the photographer made (Adele photography) who btw did an amazing job!
Britt and Jacob had a candy bar! It was so darling!!! The kids LOVED as did I hehe
Now here are some from the ceremony... In which i cried like a big BABY.. if i see someone crying..I start. The fact that someone dream was coming true and wether or not I want to admit it I am going to miss that girl just as much as everyone else will
We aren't "Close" well because I am very outspoken and if something is on my mind I will say it and make how I feel is know(Most of the time) and I don't think hubs family was expecting him to marry someone like me. I am complete opposite of how she is. She is sweet,quiet,modest. When i first got married I was none of those above. No I have grown up a little and gotten there :)
Here are a few pictures of Britt and Jacob
This picture is my absolute favorite! I love the adoration that Jacob has that he has while looking at her. You can see how much he loves,adores and really cherishes her!!
Then on monday Brit and Jacob (My new brother in law) were off to California (where Jacob serves in the marines.) Marriage is a big step in itself. Then add leaving the house you have know as home for your whole life (literally.) then move to a house that you have never been in, Moving to a place where you know no one, and your family is 1,500 miles away... That a big step. A scary step. I have a hard enough time leaving 10 miles from my parents! I know at some point in our lives though we have to spread our wings, Learn who we are and learn what we want do with our lives and become that person. Parents are often times afraid for the children when it comes life changing decisions. They have every reason to be afraid But it is their choice to trust their child to utilize all the things that have taught them but at the same time let them learn from their own mistakes. I believe that Britt will do amazing out there. She is a smart,beautiful,courageous young woman!! I lied, i KNOW she will be great out there, Spread those wing girl and don't be afraid of anything. You don't get this kind of opportunity all the time. Embrace it. love it. Make memories with your new husband that you will remember for the rest of your life. Don't be afraid to get out there.Have fun organizing your new house. I personally can't wait to see how they turn that house into a home!!
I am going to be starting a project soon. I want to become more organized in life,finace...Everything. Lately, I felt a so disorganized and not in control of my life that figured I would start organizing. I know you are all laughing REALLY hard right now... I have tried unsuccessfully many times but this time I'm for reals. For reals for reals! So, I will keep you all up to date on that. There are a a lot of things that are going to be changing in our house and I will keep you up to date on those changes as well...
So, until next time,
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